Assignment #2 | Reporting knowledge

Assignment #2 | Reporting knowledge


Last year I got the opportunity to be coached by the incredible Amit Das aka Godgeez. 

We were to work together to build a muscle on presenting sharp, articulate & opinionated research. We further broke it down to 6 specific skills that wanted to work on as noted below. 

This blog covers the second of six assignments in the coaching program. Reporting.

The Assignment

Only a list, not a handbook

During the coaching program, I found myself redoing a lot of work, and this assignment was no exception. In my initial attempt, I thought the task was simply to list all the data points presented in the movie "The Social Dilemma." So, I followed that instruction to the letter, and the output ended up resembling the document below. However, I soon realized that the document was incomplete—it lacked the final line of instruction mentioned in the assignment. It wasn't tactical.

Making it actionable

This time around, I decided to categorize the data points based on their applicability to product development. Eventually, I realized that the data points were actually addressing five fundamental questions about users:

  1. Who is your user?

  2. What content does your user prefer to consume?

  3. When does your user engage the most?

  4. Who are the primary influencers of your user, and who do they influence?

  5. What factors prompt your user to take action?

Finally an actionable sheet

After organizing the data points according to what they reveal about the user, the next step was to translate them into specific use cases and scenarios applicable to Urban Company (UC). Each data point required an analysis of the factors influencing it, the metrics used to measure it, potential insights derived from it, its method of collection, the actions it might trigger, and its examples in the UC context. 

The application

Now, you might be thinking that this level of data collection seems quite extensive. However, it's important to note that all of this is purely hypothetical. Nevertheless, if there ever arises a need to gather insights regarding any of the fundamental questions mentioned above for a particular project, we would have a clear roadmap of which log data to analyze in order to achieve that. This structured approach ensures that we are well-equipped to extract valuable insights when necessary, without overwhelming ourselves with unnecessary data collection.

Thanks for reading!