Assignment #1 | Sketchnotes as reports

Assignment #1 | Sketchnotes as reports


Last year I got the opportunity to be coached by the incredible Amit Das aka Godgeez. 

We were to work together to build a muscle on presenting sharp, articulate & opinionated research. We further broke it down to 6 specific skills that wanted to work on as noted below. 

This blog covers the first of six assignments in the coaching program. Infographic.

The Assignment

Collecting Information

If you know me, you're aware that my immediate reaction to almost anything is jotting down notes. That's precisely how this assignment began. Ayurveda holds a large place in my life; my family strongly believes in Ayurvedic medicine & practices. So, my first step was to gather information by consulting my family, revisiting my past work at UC, & researching various books & websites.

Trying layouts

This is where I spent almost half of my time. Experimenting with various layouts was crucial for organizing the information sequentially, ensuring conciseness, and assessing the infographic's digestibility. My goal was to make the infographic both comprehensive and easy to grasp. I quickly realized that the number of iterations significantly impacted the quality of the output. With each layout iteration, I noticed improvements across the above aspects. 

The infographic

Here is the final version. 


How do sketch notes benefit researchers? Well, traditional reports can often be dull and challenging to digest. Frequently, individuals simply require enough information to begin. Sketch notes offer a solution by providing a concise overview of essential concepts, making it easier for people to grasp the basics and get started. This was the underlying concept. The infographic then aided Kareen George in comprehending the context when she needed torevamp the content for Ayurvedic Massage. 

Thanks for reading!